Standard terms








Peter Arnt Nielsen


Sankt Thomas Allé 1

1824 Frederiksberg C            

TEL  +45 26 22 88 22

CVR No. 35 33 12 20


Standard Terms

Unless agreed otherwise in writing, these Standard Terms apply.

1. Confidentiality

Advocate Peter Arnt Nielsen (pan) is subject to professional secrecy. Any infor-mation from or regarding clients is treated as confidential.

2. Conflict of interest or of loyalty

pan does not undertake an assignment if a conflict of interest or of loyalty could arise.

3. Fee

3.1. pan’s fee is determined on the basis of the time spent on the assignment, the nature of the assignment, the complexity of the assignment, and its importan-ce to the client, the values involved, the outcome of the assignment, and the lia-bility exposure based on the hourly rates and salaries in clause 9.

3.2. In certain cases, pan's fee is determined in accordance with the rates appli-ed by the courts.

3.3. Upon receipt of an assignment, pan gives an estimate of the expected fee and costs. If the fee etc. is expected to exceed the estimate, pan immediately in-forms the client thereof.

3.4. pan examines to what extent a client can receive public legal aid or insuran-ce cover for legal costs. If the fee is to be paid provisionally or finally out of public funds or by an insurance company, the client will be advised of the principles for determining the fee and of the potential consequences for the client.

4. Invoice, costs, and security

4.1. pan invoices the client, when the assignment has been completed. Continuous assistance and assignments of long duration are invoiced quarterly. VAT is added pursuant to Danish VAT legislation. Payment is due eight days after the invoice date.

4.2. In case of late payment, default interest will be charged in accordance with the Danish Interest Rate Act (renteloven).

4.3. The client must prepay costs. Costs are charged separately to the client.

4.4. For mediation and arbitration, the parties shall provide security forpan's fee and costs. If a party fails to provide security, the other party may provide the se-curity in full. The parties are jointly and severally liable for the fee and costs.

4.5. In other cases than mediation and arbitration, pan may demand that the cli-ent provides security for pan's fees and costs.

5. Use of services

5.1. pan’s services are targeted at each individual assignment and are accor-dingly not to be used for any other purpose without pan’s explicit prior consent.

5.2. Original documents are handed over to the client upon completion of the as-signment. The files are kept for five years from the date of invoice.

6. Completion of the assignment before agreed

pan reserves the right to discontinue an assignment if the credit period of an in-voice has been exceeded with four weeks; the client does not settle an invoice; the client becomes insolvent; pan finds that it cannot be responsible for handling the case, or if it is in the interest of the client that the cooperation is terminated.

7. Limitation of liability, limitation, and insurance cover

7.1. Subject to paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, pan is liable for its services in accordance with the general rules of Danish law. pan is covered by a statutory professional li-ability insurance.

7.2. pan’s liability is limited to an amount equivalent to 5 times the fee (ex VAT) for the assignment, and not more than 2.5 million DKK per assignment. pan’s li-ability does not comprise financial consequential losses, including, but not limited to, operating loss, loss of data, lost earnings, goodwill, image, etc., or any other indirect loss.

7.3. A commercial client's claim for damages against pan will become time-bar-red 12 months after the client became or ought to have become aware of the cir-cumstances on which the claim is based.

7.4. pan is not liable for mistakes or faults committed by advisors that pan has referred the cli-ent to, or for mistakes or faults committed by sub-contractors that pan in agreement with the client has passed on parts of the assignment to.

8. Choice of law and jurisdiction

8.1. Any dispute between a client and pan is governed exclusively by Danish law.

8.2. Complaints concerning advocates' fees and conduct can be brought before the Disciplinary Board, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K.

8.3. Any dispute between a client and pan shall be settled by the Danish courts. The Danish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to handle any case between a client and pan.

9. Hourly rates and fees 2024 (DKK)

Hourly rates, commercial, ex VAT

Counselling, specialist 4,000

Counselling, general 2,500

Ad hoc mediation 2,500

Ad hoc arbitration 2,500

Hourly rates, private, inc VAT

Councelling, specialist 4,000

Councelling, general 2,500

Ad hoc mediation 2,500

Ad hoc arbitration 2,500

Court fees, ex VAT

Court mediation, 3 hours 9,595

Court mediation, 1 extra hour 1,965

Travel, 1 hour 985

The Danish Institute of Mediation, ex VAT

8 hours, commercial, ex VAT 30,000

1 extra hour, ex VAT 2,500

The Danish Institute of Mediation, inc VAT

4 hours, private 18,750

4 hours, consumer 18.750

4 hours, family 18.750

1 extra hour 3,125

Appointment fee, family 3.125

Copenhagen Arbitration, ex VAT

Mediation, 1 hour 2,500

Lectures, ex VAT

Lecture, 1 x 45 min 8,000

Lecture, 2 x 45 min 12,000

Vocational training etc, ex VAT

Course, 3 x 45 min 16,000

Course, 4 x 45 min 20,000

Course, 5 x 45 min 24,000

Course, 6 x 45 min 28,000
