
Peter Arnt Nielsen


Sankt Thomas Allé 1

1824 Frederiksberg C            

TEL  +45 26 22 88 22

CVR No. 35 33 12 20


Personal Data Protection and Money Laundering Prevention

1. Data responsible

Advocate Peter Arnt Nielsen (pan) is responsible for treatment of personal data.

2. Provision of services and personal data protection

2.1. Personal data is used to communicate with the client, process the assign-ment, and to effect possible registrations with the authorities. Personal data is in particular name, civil registration number, position, e-mail, telephone number, ad-dress, and employment matters. It may be necessary to handle personal data when effecting registrations with the authorities, e.g. through and In some assignments, e.g. court mediations, sensitive personal data, e.g. about health, may be handled. The parties or authorities may provide this infor-mation.

2.2. As a general rule, personal data is stored for five years after the completion of the assignment, but in certain cases the information may be stored for a shor-ter or longer period of time.

2.3. pan provides professional training, but these courses, lectures, and semi-nars are arranged entirely by the customer, and pan is not data responsible for such courses, lectures, and seminars.

3. Recipients of personal data

3.1. Personal data is treated confidentially and is not passed on to others, as pan is subject to professional secrecy. However, the information may, as part of pro-cessing the assignment, be passed on to the counterpart, authorities, courts, or an arbitral tribunal etc.

3.2. Personal data is not transferred to States outside the EU/EEC, unless this is done to a specific client, counterpart, authorities, courts, or an arbitral tribunal in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, Article 49(1)(b)-(e).

4. Marketing

pan does not use personal data for marketing purposes. pan’s homepage does not use cook-es.

5. Your rights

Under the Data Protection Regulation, a client has the following rights:

  • request access to, or correction or deletion of personal data,
  • oppose use of, or request a limited use of personal data,
  • oppose that personal data is used in relation to marketing,
  • withdraw at any time a given consent,
  • receive the personal data given, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability), and
  • complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

6. Money laundering control

pan does not handle cases covered by the Danish Money Laundering Prevention Statute, Article 1(1)(14).
